Thursday, September 3, 2009

A story about Agustinus..

Agus was 28 years old, a healthy and happy young man who worked as a driver in a small family-owned business. His life was normal until that day. He was driving his small truck in Pendidikan Street Denpasar. A teenager was riding motorbike in a high speed in that small road. The teenager lost control of his motorbike and almost hit Agus’ truck. To avoid the crash, Agus swung the car to the left and hit a big tree. That was all he remembered until many hours later when he found himself in a hospital bed, could not feel or move both of his leg from his waist down. He is paralyzed and was faced with a situation where he could not afford to do surgery for his legs.

16 years past and life has to go on. Now Agus is a married man with his legs paralyzed. His long time girl friend agreed to be his wife and dedicated her life for him. They have a 3-year beautiful daughter who needs food and milk.

Life is getting more difficult for this family. With his condition, Agus not only can’t work but also can not help the wife to take care of the daughter. To earn their living, his wife, in between taking care of their daughter, fries peanut and put it in small plastics. They sell it for Rp. 1,000 each. With cooking oil is getting more expensive, the profit is getting less and less.

His wife can not leave the daughter to Agus to distribute the peanut to small warungs. It means Agus has to do this job in wheelchair. Everyday Agus has to travel at least 10 kilometers in his wheelchair to try to sell the peanuts, with no food and drink in his stomach. If he is done with the distribution, he will then be able to buy rice for his family.

There are several ways we can help Agus:
- Any financial support will help him and family going, especially the little daughter in needs of good nutrition for her growth.
- To help him sell peanuts, a modified motorbike with extra wheels will work. Second hand motorbike costs Rp 7million and modification costs Rp 2million. Total Rp 9million (Eur 620)
- Help with their room rental. Currently paying Rp 250,000/month. (Eur 17)
- Help with milk or clothes for the baby.
- Capital for them to sell more peanuts; Rp 1,000,000 (Eur 68)

Any donation will go directly to Agus, with receipts and pictures wherever possible.
We can arrange to visit Agus and his family.

Thank you

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